Frequently asked questions

Register as a new user

By clicking on the link register as a user, selecting Helicopter Operator/Pilot informing the following data:

  • Select option: Helicopter Operator/Pilot
  • Name of the company or the name of the Pilot
  • Enter the full name of the person responsible for the operator or enter the full name of the pilot
  • Enter phone data, preferably whatsapp to receive notifications
  • Create a password that will be used to access the Altaport platform, with the following characteristics:
    • At least 8 characters.
    • At least one special character.
    • At least one number.
    • At least one capital letter.
    • At least one lowercase letter.
  • After reading and accepting the terms of service, click Apply. You will then receive an email to confirm your account at the email address provided. Please login again.

How to register the aircraft

At the top of the home page, click on "Manage Fleet” and then click on the yellow button "Add aircraft". Enter the following data:

  • Aircraft number
  • Manufacturer
  • Aircraft model
  • Maximum take-off weight
  • Length of rotor
  • Upload image of the aircraft
  • Upload aircraft certificate

Click on save. You can add as many aircraft as you like.

How to add the pilot

Click again at the top of the home page, "Manage Pilots" and then "Add pilot". Enter data such as:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Pilot certificate number
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Photo of the pilot
  • Pilot certificate

Click save. You can add as many riders as you like.

Once these details are already registered, you are now ready to book!

How to create a reservation

Click on the home site of and the country and the city of the landing helipad, and click on search. Select the desired helipad on results and click on the yellow "Book" button.

Select the day and time of your choice. Each time informing the price means that there is availability for landing. Select your preferred time. Inform if the operation is embarkation or disembarkation, selecting the number of passengers according to the chosen operation and the following data:

  • Name and surname
  • Document Type
  • Document number

Important: when the name of the passengers is not available at the time of booking, at least the number of passengers must be informed.

Flight information

Fill in flight information such as:

  • Flight number
  • ICAO of origin
  • ICAO if destination
  • Select pilot; If the aircraft has more than one crew member (co-pilot, aeromedical crew, etc.), click on the co-pilot option and add the full name of the pilot who must be previously registered on the platform. If the pilot is not yet registered, to register click here.
  • Select aircraft already registered on the platform. If the aircraft is not registered, to register click here.
  • Add note is intended for any information considered important for the operation.

You will be redirected to payment details.

Payment methods available

  • Credit card
  • Monthly billing
  • Fast pass*

The use of the fast pass is previously agreed between the operator/pilot and the helipad. Consult us at for more information.

How to use Fast Pass

The fast pass is a code that generates a discount or gratuity for heliports that have an agreement with the operator/pilot.

To use the fast pass, just follow these steps:

  1. Click on make reservation
  2. Choose the landing day and time
  3. Add flight information such as passenger details
  4. Continue choosing the FAST PASS payment method, on the next screen enter the pass code and your reservation will be ready!

Manage reservations

Automatic acceptance

The automatic acceptance will take place on the days and times configured for acceptance in "Helipad availability". An email will be sent for notification and another for confirmation of acceptance of the reservation in a fully automatic way.

To follow up on automatically accepted reservations, just click on "confirmed reservations” on the main page of the platform. Reservations with automatic acceptance do not have the option to accept or reject. Only the definitive exclusion of the reservation. To learn more about each of the reservations, click on "view details".

Manual acceptance

An email will be sent with the notification of a new reservation and the helipad manager will evaluate whether to accept or reject the landing reservation in the “Pending reservations” tab. Click accept or reject. If the reservation is refused, it is necessary to inform the reason for cancellation in the remarks field.An alert email will be sent with notification of a new reservation. The helipad manager will evaluate whether to accept or reject the new landing reservation. With the acceptance of the reservation, a new email and a message via Whatsapp with the landing confirmation are sent to the operator/pilot.

Reschedule reservation

When there is a reservation already confirmed by the helipad, it is possible to request the rescheduling of the reservation by clicking on "manage reservations" and go to "next reservations", view the reservations to be accepted in "pending reservations".

On the "see details" icon, located in the upper right corner of the reservation, click to view the entire reservation. To the right of the date and time, click on the calendar icon to reschedule the reservation. Enter the available time, followed by a note so that the operator can know the reason for rescheduling Click on save.

The reservation goes back to pending status for the operator and is moved to "pending reservations". In this case, the helipad must accept the new proposed schedule.

Booking rescheduling notifications are sent to the operator and/or helipad via email and whatsapp.

Refuse Reservation

To consult a rejected reservation, click on "Canceled reservations" then "Canceled reservations". Locate the rejected reservation. For all rejected reservations, you can read the reason for rejection in the remarks field, by clicking on the icon in the top corner of the reservation to see details. The operator/pilot will always receive an email and a message via Whatsapp with the reason for which the booking was declined.

Cancel confirmed reservation

Canceled reservations refer to those that have been confirmed and accepted by the helipad manager and that the landing will not take place on the day and time confirmed. In the "manage reservations" tab, go to "confirmed reservations", and look for the reservation to be cancelled. In "see details", in the upper right corner, it is possible to open the reservation. To cancel, click on "cancel reservation" in the lower right corner. For every canceled reservation, it is necessary to inform the reason for cancellation in the remarks field. The operator /pilot will receive an email with the reason why the reservation was cancelled.

View canceled and rejected reservations

To keep track of all canceled and declined reservations, just click on “Canceled reservations” on the platform's main reservation page.

Cancellation Policy

Schedule limit

Reservations cannot be made less than 30 minutes before the desired landing time. Each helipad has its predefined scheduling time limit by the helipad manager.

Automatic cancellation of non-accepted bookings

Bookings scheduled to be accepted manually must be accepted by the helipad manager within 1 hour before the desired landing time. If the acceptance is not carried out, the reservation will be automatically canceled and a notification will be sent to the operator requesting the creation of a new reservation for a new schedule.


Payment must be completed at least 1 hour before your desired landing time. Bookings with incomplete payments will be canceled and notification will be sent to the operator who requested the booking.


Reservations canceled less than 30 minutes before the scheduled landing time will not be refunded. If you change your flight schedule, use the “reschedule booking” or “cancel booking” feature.

Add member for notifications

In the upper right corner of the screen, click on the avatar, and then click on “account”. In notification configuration, below the administrator profile, click on the yellow button "add member". Enter the full name, email and phone number in the following format: DDI + DDD + phone number. Select the type of notification you want the new member will receive If only the alert of receipt of new bookings and/or billing information Click save.

Repeat this same step for each team member who will receive notifications.

User profiles

In the upper right corner of the screen, click on the avatar, and then click on “account”. In notification configuration, below the administrator profile, click on the yellow button "add member". Enter the full name, email and phone number in the following format: DDI + DDD + phone number. Select the type of notification you want the new member will receive If only the alert of receipt of new bookings and/or billing information Click save.

Repeat this same step for each team member who will receive notifications.User Management refers to the process of administering and controlling user access within the platform. This includes creating and managing user accounts, assigning roles and permissions. In Account, in the user management tab, click on "Add User" and add data such as:

  • Name and surname
  • Email
  • Phone (preferably WhatsApp)

Then determine the permission level as the following:

  • Administrator
  • Operations manager
  • Operations Team
  • View only


In the top right corner of the site, click on the avatar then "account". On the left side of the screen, click on the "information" section. Click "edit" to update first name, last name and phone number.On the avatar in the upper right corner of the site, click on "Account", and then click on the "Reports" section. Enter the start and end date of the report, then click download. You can save the report in csv or excel format.

How to pay your invoice

In the top right corner of the site, click on the avatar then "account". On the left side of the screen, click on the "information" section. Click "edit" to update first name, last name and phone number.On the avatar in the upper right corner of the site, click on "Account", and then click on the "Reports" section. Enter the start and end date of the report, then click download. You can save the report in csv or excel format.Your monthly invoice will automatically arrive in your email. In the body of the email message, click on "Pay this invoice". You will be directed to the invoice preview page. If you want to see the detailed invoice, click on "view invoice details". view the invoice, click on "Pay online".

You can choose which way you prefer to pay this invoice: whether credit card or bank slip.

For credit card payment, enter all your credit card details and your invoice will be paid in a few moments.

Forgot Password?

To set a new password, click on and then on the “I forgot my password” button. Inform the registered email. An email with credentials for password reset will be sent to the email provided. After resetting, just access again.

Heliport registration

By clicking on the link register as a user, and select Helipad Manager. After that inform the following data:

  • Enter the name of the helipad
  • Enter the full name of the person responsible for the operator or enter the full name of the pilot
  • Enter phone data, preferably WhatsApp number to receive notifications
  • Inform the primary email address of the helipad
  • Create a password that will be used to access the Altaport platform, with the following characteristics:
    • At least 8 characters.
    • At least one special character.
    • At least one number.
    • At least one capital letter.
    • At least one lowercase letter.

After reading and accepting the terms of service, click on Register. You will then receive an email confirming your account at the email address. Please log in again.

Heliport identifier

Fill in data like:

  • Helipad name
  • ICAO code > Click next and you will be directed to the next registration page.
  • Country, state, city and full address
  • For time zone select "America/your city” or the main capital corresponding to the time zone of your region
  • Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) > Click next and you will be directed to the next registration page.
  • Insert helipad coin. Ex: USD
  • Give a brief description about your helipad.
  • Upload images from the helipad. This field is required. You can select more than one image. > Click “next” and you will be directed to the next registration page.
  • In availability, inform the complete operation time available to each aircraft. For the the operation time you can choose hours or minutes. This period refers to the total permanence time of the aircraft during its entire operation (slot): landing, embarkation/disembarkation and takeoff.
  • In number of Number of helipads (capacity) inform how many landing areas there are in your helipad.
  • Inform if there is parking and supply available, just by clicking on yes or no. > Click on “next” and you will be directed to the availability of helipad schedules.

Edit heliport availability

In the "my helipad" tab, click on “Edit helipad availability”. You will be redirected to the next page to edit the helipad opening hours. Click on the checkbox for the days of the week when the helipad is operated . Next, define the operating hours of the helipad and the value of the touch during the informed time. For each time range, the form of time must also be selected acceptance, whether manual or automatic.

Manual: when the helipad manager decides whether to accept the reservation or not, and proceeds with acceptance or refusal after analysis.

Automatic: is when the system automatically accepts the reservations, without the interference of the manager for the acceptance.

After defining the schedules for all days of the week, click "next" and you will be redirected to the restrictions page.

Edit heliport description

To add the helipad description, click: Edit helipad > Fees > Landing area description > Save.


  • Enter the weight data.
  • Inform the dimensions of the helipad in meters or feet.
  • Inform the type of surface of the helipad: grass, concrete, metallic, etc.
  • In case of helipad-specific restrictions and guidelines for pilots during booking, please inform “other restrictions”.
  • Enter the altitude/elevation of the helipad.
  • In Limit late bookings inform the minimum period for receiving last minute landing reservations.
  • In Cancellation window, inform the minimum period for canceling landing reservations.

Add landing area

When there is more than one Final Approach and Takeoff Area (FATO), it is possible to include it in the "My Helipad" tab, by clicking on "Add landing area" in the lower right corner of the page. Enter the following data:

  • Name
  • Altitude
  • Latitude and longitude
  • Maximum take-off weight
  • Dimensions
  • Surface type
  • Can you park on this helipad?
  • Description of the landing area
  • Image of the landing area

Click save.

There are no limits for adding landing area.

Disable landing area

In the "My Helipad" tab, in the upper right corner of the landing area to be deleted and click on edit. Below the save button, click on "Disable helipad". Then confirm the deletion.

Image gallery

You can include several images to be displayed in a carousel format while pilots and operators seek to know more about your helipad. To add these images, click: Edit helipad > Rates > Image upload > Save.

To view these images, click on the “My Helipad” tab again. On the cover image, click left or right to view your photo gallery.

Manage Reservations

Automatic acceptance

The automatic acceptance will take place on the days and times configured for acceptance in "Helipad Availability".

To follow the reservations accepted automatically, just click on "confirmed reservations" on the main page of the platform. Reservations with automatic acceptance do not have the options to accept or reject. To learn more about each of the reservations, click on "see details".

Manual acceptance

An email will be sent with the notification of a new reservation and the helipad manager will evaluate whether to accept or reject the landing reservation in the “Pending reservations” tab. Click accept or reject. If the reservation is refused, it is necessary to inform the reason for cancellation in the remarks field.

Reschedule reservation

When there is a notification of a new reservation and the helipad is interested in receiving the landing, but would like it to happen at another time. It is possible to request the rescheduling of the reservation by clicking on "manage reservations" and go to "upcoming reservations" and view the reservations to be accepted in "pending reservations".

On the "see details" icon, located in the upper right corner of the reservation, click to view the entire reservation. To the right side of the date and time, click on the calendar icon to reschedule the reservation. Enter the available time, followed by a note so that the operator can know the reason for rescheduling. Click on save.

The reservation is back in pending status for the helipad. In this case, the operator must accept the new proposed time.

Booking rescheduling notifications are sent to the operator and/or helipad via email and whatsapp.

Refuse Reservation

On the home page, under "pending reservations", search for the reservation to be refused and click on the red button "Reject". For all rejected reservations, it is necessary to inform the reason for rejection in the remarks field. and a message via Whatsapp with the reason why the reservation was refused.

Cancel confirmed reservation

On the home page, under "Confirmed reservations", search for the reservation to be refused and click on the red "Cancel" button. For every canceled reservation, it is necessary to inform the reason for cancellation in the remarks field. The operator/pilot will receive an email with the reason for which the reservation was canceled.

View canceled and rejected reservations

To keep track of all canceled and declined reservations, just click on “canceled reservations” on the platform's main reservation page.

Add a reservation manually

The helipad is allowed to create a manual reservation, following the same criteria as a reservation created by an operator.

On the platform's home page, on the right of the screen, click on Add reservations. Select the day and time of the landing reservation, and add the following data:

  • First and last name of the pilot
  • Company/Operator name
  • Email
  • Phone (preferably Whatsapp)

Then enter your flight details and payment status. To enter this data, it is mandatory to at least inform whether the operation will be boarding or disembarking, and the number of passengers.

Block time

To block times, click on "Block times” in the reservations tab, and then on "Add block times. Enter a title as the reason for blocking, enter the blocking start date and time and the blocking end date and time. Click save.

It is possible to change a time block by clicking on the edit icon, entering a new time and clicking on save again.

The aircraft landed. What else should I do?

After each landing, it is important to inform the exact time that the landing and takeoff took place. This way you can manage the slot time of each reservation, as well as have precise data in your monthly report.

On the reservations home page, click on "past reservations". In the upper right corner of the reservation, click on the edit icon and the past reservation page will open. Again, in the upper right corner click on the edit icon. Since the arrival and/or departure time may be different from those in the reservation, please indicate these times in the actual arrival and actual departure fields. If needed, you can also add any comment under “edit note” and click save.

User profiles

User Management refers to the process of administering and controlling user access within the platform. This includes creating and managing user accounts, assigning roles and permissions. In Account, in the user management tab, click on "Add User" and add data such as:

  • Name and surname
  • Email
  • Phone (preferably WhatsApp)

Then determine the permission level as the following:

  • Administrator
  • Operations manager
  • Operations Team
  • View only

Add a member for notifications

In the upper right corner of the screen, click on the avatar, and then click on “account”. In notification configuration, below the administrator profile, click on the yellow button "add member". Enter the full name, email and phone number in the following format: DDI + DDD + phone number. Select the type of notification you want the new member will receive If only the alert of receipt of new bookings and/or billing information Click save.

Repeat this same step for each team member who will receive notifications.

Edit profile

In the top right corner of the site, click on the avatar then "account". On the left side of the screen, click on the "information" section. Click "edit" to update first name, last name and phone number.


On the avatar in the upper right corner of the site, click on "account", and then click on the "reports" section. Enter the start and end date of the report, then click download. You can save the report in csv or excel format.

Payment history

On the avatar in the upper right corner of the site, click on "account", and then click on the "transactions and payments" section. In "history and transactions" it is possible to view all payments made within the platform. In the "bank information" tab, it is possible to view which bank account the credits are being made to.

Stripe | How to register (Fix)

On the avatar in the upper right corner of the site, click on "account", and then click on the "transactions and payments" section. In "history and transactions" it is possible to view all payments made within the platform. In the "bank information" tab, it is possible to view which bank account the credits are being made to.

Forgot password?

To set a new password, click on and then on the “I forgot my password” button. Inform the registered email. An email with credentials for password reset will be sent to the email provided. After resetting, just access  again.

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