Vertiport Icon

Aerodrome managers


Vertiport with people watching landing

About Service

Future vertiports will need a robust and efficient operating system to manage high-volume throughput and autonomous ground operations. The Altaport platform provides tools to both vertiport managers and aircraft fleet operators, connecting the two parties to enable a safe and efficient operational environment.

The Altaport Vertiport Automation System (VAS) prepares landing infrastructure for the advent of advanced air mobility (AAM), following existing guidance by the FAA and NASA. Altaport VAS functionality includes:
  • resource scheduling
  • passenger management
  • fee collection, financial reporting, and accounting system integration
  • airside services and GSE management
  • surface movement monitoring
  • risk and safety assessment
  • situational awareness and airspace incursion surveillance
  • charging management
  • sensor integration
  • infrastructure manager to operator communications
  • and more...

Benefit Of Service

Quality Workmanship
Timely Completion
Cost Savings
Customer Satisfaction
Environmental Sustainability
Enhanced Property Value

Get in touch

Interested in automating your ground infrastructure or partnering with Altaport to enable the future of aviation? Get in touch!

Vertiport with people watching landing